Halloween at PaperHaus

Hello everyone 馃檪

These of you, who know me, could be surprised, that there is a Halloween word in the title of my blog post 馃檪 So here is the short explanation 馃檪

October at PaperHaus is a month connected to Halloween. So I was asked to prepare a Halloween project. But… as you probably know, I am very connected to angelic realm and I always keep the energy of love and light. I do not celebrate Halloween, because I really do not like its energy. But I have children 馃檪 and I thought that for many parents Halloween could be a great opportunity to make something creative with children and for them (I try to involve my children in creative activities as often as it is possible ). Children play in many ways – sometimes they pretend also that they are ghosts (they use white blanket most often :)) or other “terrible” creatures 馃檪 So I wanted to show you a couple of quite simple ATCs, that could be used in many different ways and could be done with children.
Witam wszystkich 馃檪

Te z Was, kt贸re mnie znaj膮, mog膮 by膰 troch臋 zaskoczone, 偶e w tytule mojego posta pojawia si臋 s艂owo Halloween 馃檪 A zatem oto kr贸tkie wyja艣nienie 馃檪

Pa藕dziernik jest na blogu PaperHaus miesi膮cem powi膮zanym z Halloween. Zosta艂am poproszona o przygotowanie Halloweenowego projektu. Ale… jak zapewne si臋 orientujecie jestem bardzo powi膮zana ze 艣wiatem anio艂贸w i zawsze utrzymuj臋 energi臋 mi艂o艣ci i 艣wiat艂a. Nie 艣wi臋tuj臋 Halloween, poniewa偶 naprawd臋 nie lubi臋 jego energii. Ale mam dzieci 馃檪 i pomy艣la艂am, 偶e Halloween dla wielu rodzic贸w mo偶e by膰 艣wietn膮 okazj膮 na zrobienie czego艣 tw贸rczego z dzie膰mi, albo dla nich (staram si臋 anga偶owa膰 moje dzieci w kreatywne czynno艣ci tak cz臋sto, jak to mo偶liwe). Dzieci bawi膮 si臋 w r贸偶ne zabawy – czasem udaj膮 tak偶e, 偶e s膮 duchami (u偶ywaj膮 wtedy na og贸艂 bia艂ych prze艣cierade艂:))) albo innym “strasznymi” istotami 馃檪 Chcia艂am Wam wi臋c pokaza膰 kilka ca艂kiem prostych ATC, kt贸re mog膮 by膰 p贸藕niej u偶yte w r贸偶ny spos贸b i mog膮 by膰 zrobione przez dzieci lub z dzie膰mi.

More information and a short tutorial, how to create realistic branches you will find at the PaperHaus blog.
Wi臋cej informacji i kr贸tki kurs na stworzenie realistycznych ga艂臋zi znajdziecie na blogu PaperHaus.

1 Response

  1. angel says:

    Bardzo fajne i zabawne 馃檪

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