gorgeous colours | boskie kolory
Hello 🙂
I am still extremely busy, but… I cannot live without scrapbooking 😀 So in the middle of the night, when I finished my work, I sat and started to create 🙂 I used gorgeous pallete from Color Combos Galore. And CCG looks for new designers, so maybe you will give it a try.
Jestem nadal ekstremalnie zajÄ™ta, ale… nie mogÄ™ żyć bez scrapbookingu 🙂 Zatem w Å›rodku nocy, gdy skoÅ„czyÅ‚am pracÄ™, usiadÅ‚am i zaczęłam tworzyć 🙂 WykorzystaÅ‚am boskÄ… paletÄ™ Color Combos Galore. A przy okazji – CCG szuka nowych projektantek, może wiÄ™c spróbujecie swoich siÅ‚ 🙂
My layout is a mix of many different brands: Teresa Collins, My Mind’s Eye, Prima, 7 Dots Studio, Webster’s Pages, Studio Calico and Tattered Angels. Below you can see the golden glittering color from Mr Huey’s Mist (SC).
Znajdziecie tu miks wielu różnych marek – Teresa Collins, My Mind’s Eye, Prima, 7 Dots Studio, Webster’s Pages, Studio Calico (mgieÅ‚ka) i Tattered Angels (mgieÅ‚ki). Poniżej na zdjÄ™ciu zobaczycie jak piÄ™knie mieni siÄ™ zÅ‚oty Mr Huey’s Mist (SC).
Thank you for visiting me. I hope I encouraged you a little bit to visit also Color Combos Galore 🙂
DziÄ™kujÄ™ za odwiedziny – mam nadzieje, że zachÄ™ciÅ‚am was troszkÄ™ do wizyty w Color Combos Galore 🙂
Getting a better look at all the details. Truly stunning. And I love that photo of you.
Thank you so much my sweetie for your lovely comment <3
Just beautiful…you definitely rocked that color palette!
Thank you Sandi 🙂 The colors from this palette are my favourite ones 🙂
Looks so soft and femine!!! The pallete is gorgeous!!! And I just love what you've done with the chippies)))
Thank you Irina. Your words melted my heart xxx
przepiękna, taka radosna 🙂
DziÄ™kujÄ™ bardzo – za odwiedziny i komentarz 🙂
So beautiful Tusia!! Love that gold mist/ink. Looks fab!! I cannot live without creating either – no matter how busy or tired I am.
Ha 🙂 same 🙂 I just have to create. It is like compulsion 😀 but very pleasant one 🙂 Thank you for your lovely comment xx