busy week

There is a really busy week behind me. When you come back from holidays, and in your mailbox there are more than 600 e-mails – there is no way not to be busy more than usually 🙂

But… I prepared my “wandering art-journal – and made a page in a journal of my wonderful friend from Craft Artwork team. I cannot show you this page (it is a secret still) but I will show you how both art-journals was packed 🙂
The back of my journal:
And one page 🙂
As you can see – I practice drawing 🙂
Enjoy your weekend 🙂


9 Responses

  1. Makola says:

    Ale kolorowo! 😉

  2. Kelly Foster says:

    I I love seeing your beautiful journal pages..always full of beautiful color and life 🙂 🙂

  3. mru says:

    pięknie, radośnie i kolorowo 🙂

  4. Peninia says:

    Cudownie i kolorowo! 🙂
    Serdecznie i ciepło pozdrawiam-Peninia*

  5. Keren Tamir says:

    wow it looks wonderful!! hope you had a nice holiday!! can't wait to speak again!! miss you!!

  6. Alosha says:

    Wspaniałe i kolorowe!
    Boję się takich soczystych barw, ale coraz bardziej się do nich przekonuję ;).
    A ja żeby nie być zawalona mailami po powrocie z wakacji, biorę ze sobą laptopa i szukam miejsc, gdzie jest internet. Choć musiałabym czekać z 2 miesiące, aby uzbierać 600 (!) maili :p.

  7. Looks so wonderful! And I looove your page!

  8. Very cute! I love this sweet style of drawing!! Glad you had a nice week away but oh I know that terrible feeling of coming back to a world that didn't take a break along with you. I have 1000 emails in my inbox right now & every time I miss a day I don't get through them & the amount stays the same. I'm in Outlook for an hour a day but only make progress if I spend many hours & right now I just don't have 🙁

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