wonderful moodboard (Scrap Around The World}
Today is a reveal day at Scrap Around The World blog – we have a new moodboard, created by Alexandra Polyzou.
Dziś na blogu Scrap Around The World pojawiła się najnowsza tablica inspiracyjna – jej autorką jest Alexandra Polyzou.
Feel free to interpret the mood board in any way you like,
using one image, several of them, all of them or even just
one aspect of an image, using ANY COLOURS!
using one image, several of them, all of them or even just
one aspect of an image, using ANY COLOURS!
Możesz zintepretować tablicę inspiracyjną w dowolny sposób, użyć jednego obrazka lub wielu, albo wszystkich, albo tylko jednego z aspektów, a do tego dowolnych kolorów.
To be eligible for judging:
Aby być branym pod uwagę w ostatecznych rezultatach należy:
1. You need to follow our 10 Golden Rules found HERE, which include
1. Przestrzegać 10 złotych reguł, które znajdziecie tu, a zawierają się w nich następujące zasady:
1) Sharing the mood board image.
1) Umieścić w swoim poście obrazek tablicy inspiracyjnej.
2) Mentioning Scrap Around The World {in full – not just
SATW} & LINKING BACK to the current challenge.
SATW} & LINKING BACK to the current challenge.
2) Wymienić Scrap Around The World pełną nazwą (nie np. SATW)
i podlinkować do BIEŻĄCEGO WYZWANIA.
3) Mentioning HOW you were inspired by our mood board.
3) Wspomnieć CO zainspirowało cię z aktualnej tablicy inspiracyjnej.
4) Linking back to your SATW blog post NOT YOUR ENTIRE BLOG.
4) Na blogu SATW podlinkować swój post z pracą, a nie cały blog.
If receiving comments from some of our Design Team members is important
to you please ensure that you have WORD VERIFICATION TURNED OFF.
to you please ensure that you have WORD VERIFICATION TURNED OFF.
Jeśli pozostawienie przez Design Team komentarza na twoim blogu jest ważne, proszę upewnij się, że masz wyłączoną weryfikację obrazkową.
My project will be revealed on March, 16th, but today I can share a liitle sneak-peek 🙂
Mój projekt zostanie ujawniony 16ego marca, ale dziś mogę pokazać mały fragment 🙂
My project will be revealed on March, 16th, but today I can share a liitle sneak-peek 🙂
Mój projekt zostanie ujawniony 16ego marca, ale dziś mogę pokazać mały fragment 🙂
1st prize – A $50 gift voucher from The Flying Unicorn!
Flying Unicorn…Your Passion. Your Art.
Their on line store has an incredible selection of products for all paper crafting artists.
Their kit of the Month is filled with the latest and greatest & includes
an off-the-page project to keep your creative muse flowing!
Be sure to check out the Flying Unicorn forums, a hot & happening place
which includes monthly challenges, tips, techniques & friendships that last!
They also have a blog and a Facebook page where you can find loads of inspiration!
store: www.flyingunicornstore.com
Forums: www.flyingunicornforums.com
from Scrap-Unlimited, Dutch Manufacturer
Scrap-Unlimited is a young company with our own brand ~ Scrap-Unlimited by Bettina.
We sell embellishments for scrapbooking, cards & mixed media projects.
We specialize in Vintage kits for home decor & mini albums.
Australian Made Laser Cut Chipboard to compliment your scrapbook pages,
cards & paper-crafting projects. Scrapmatts has a Ning site that showcases
an amazing talented international design team who post regularly on the blog
there, a gallery, customer challenges & an online store. Come join in the fun here!
cards & paper-crafting projects. Scrapmatts has a Ning site that showcases
an amazing talented international design team who post regularly on the blog
there, a gallery, customer challenges & an online store. Come join in the fun here!
Below is just one example of some of the awesome products they stock HERE.
You can now follow them on Blog Lovin’ HERE too!
4th prize – KIT BY 3RD EYE CRAFT valued at $20
Kit includes: set of 7 different flair buttons with adhesive foam –
one flair button with pin – one chipboards sheet TEC-029 feathers2
What is 3rd Eye?
It’s world of imagination created by one Mixed Media freak!
Creating her own scrap goodies world (yes, that’s me!).
You can find there rubber stamps with a lot of very versatile designs,
chipboards to decorate your beautiful projects, adhesive flair buttons
& pins to embellish & masks to create patterns & textures!
Do You think that’s all?
Of course not!
Check my brand & find Your 3rd Eye of creativity!
Wishing you tons of inspiration! – Drycha
5th prize – A random selection of Purple Pumpkin products ~ value $15.
Below is just ONE EXAMPLE of the many products stocked in their online store.

Purple Pumpkin {Australia} manufactures high-quality embellishments of a fun & funky nature,
specializing in fabric buttons, handmade flowers,resin, twine & washi tape.
specializing in fabric buttons, handmade flowers,resin, twine & washi tape.
They have a great blog that is constantly active & they hold monthly challenges
open to all, with Guest Designer positions up for grabs as well as awesome
prizes of Purple Pumpkin loveliness!
open to all, with Guest Designer positions up for grabs as well as awesome
prizes of Purple Pumpkin loveliness!
~ please post the image only then a link to your blog if you like,
THE NUMBER OF YOUR ENTRY according to our linky tool***
6 mists from 13arts {Poland} value ~ $30
Mists coloring – with a capacity of 33ml (1.1 oz.). Non-toxic water-based ink gloss.
banner effect. For dyeing, among others, paper, fabric and other surfaces.
difficult to be washed after drying. Description: Water based ink in mist – shining effect.
Mists coloring – with a capacity of 33ml (1.1 oz.). Non-toxic water-based ink gloss.
banner effect. For dyeing, among others, paper, fabric and other surfaces.
difficult to be washed after drying. Description: Water based ink in mist – shining effect.
Non toxic. Transparent. You can use it to color paper, fabrics and other materials.
13arts is a very cool Polish manufacturer owned & run by awesome mixed media artist Aida Domisiewicz.
They produce their own exclusive range of scrapbooking papers & stickers
as well as an ever-expanding range of mediums including mists, paints,
gesso, gel medium & my very favourite must-have item – Microspheres!!