My art-journal page is about love. But not about love between man and a woman, but about universal love. Our world it not always a happy place, but in the end, the only, what matters, is love. It makes our lives lighter and more joyful. Even if the circumstances are not always simple…
I wanted to express my feelings and this is the reason why you will find in my art-journal pink, red, but also some dark colors (which I use really rarely).
At the beginning I primed my art-journal page with
gesso – because I would use lots of water, and I didn’t want it ruined my other pages. So after priming, I created background using red Izink. It wonderfully blends with water. This red, big splash in the centre of my page was made using red Izink. But not only – the pink shade of whole page was made using exactly same Izink color 馃檪
Strona w moim art-journalu jest o mi艂o艣ci. Ale nie o mi艂o艣ci pomi臋dzy kobiet膮 a m臋偶czyzn膮, ale o mi艂o艣ci uniwersalnej. Nasz 艣wiat nie zawsze jest miejscem szcz臋艣liwym, ale ostatecznie to, co si臋 liczy, to mi艂o艣膰. Czyni nasze 偶ycie ja艣niejszym i rado艣niejszym. Nawet je艣li okoliczno艣ci nie zawsze s膮 艂atwe…
Chcia艂am wyrazi膰 moje uczucia i dlatego znajdziecie na tej stronie r贸偶owy i czerwony, ale tak偶e troch臋 ciemnych kolor贸w (kt贸rych uzywam naprawd臋 rzadko).
Na pocz膮tku zagruntowa艂am stron臋 w art-journalu gesso – poniewa偶 u偶yj臋 du偶o wody i nie chc臋 zrujnowa膰 innych stron. Zatem po zagruntowaniu, stworzy艂am t艂o u偶ywaj膮c czerwonego tuszu Izink. Cudownie rozp艂ywa si臋 w wodzie. Stworzy艂am nim t臋 wielk膮, czerwon膮 plam臋 w centrum, ale tak偶e wszystkie r贸偶owe odcienie na stronie.

Then I applied Opaline Izink – you can see on the photos below, how beautifully pearly shine it created.
P贸藕niej doda艂am troch臋 Izinku w kolorze Opaline – na zdj臋ciach poni偶ej mo偶ecie zobaczy膰, jak pi臋knie, per艂owo po艂yskuje.
I mixed some Heavy Gel Medium with Luminarte pink pigment and applied it through stencil creating heart pattern.
Zmiesza艂am troch臋 medium 偶elowego z r贸偶owym pigmentem Luminarte i na艂o偶y艂am je poprzez mask臋, tworz膮c serduszkowy wz贸r.
I have used also Light Pink PanPastel (Magenta Tint 430.8) to create a big heart on the left. Final touch was adding journaling, doodling and some tags and elements from 7 Dots Studio (Illumination and The Queen’s Heart collections).
U偶y艂am te偶 PanPastela w kolorze Magenta Tint 430.8, by stworzy膰 wielkie serce po lewej stronie. Ostatnimi elementami by艂 journaling i tagi oraz elementy z 7 Dots Studio (kolekcje: Illlumination i The Queen’s Heart).
Uwielbiam Izinki i wkr贸tce poka偶臋 wi臋cej projekt贸w z nimi 馃檪
I am in love in Izinks and soon there will be more projects with them 馃檪
Have a great day!
Supplies from Mixed Media Place store:
Tusia, it's amazing!!! Love the idea so much)) And the colors are so deep and fresh!!! Just super)))
Love it…that red is YUM & the heart looks fabulous….really, reallly fabulous page. And yeah, the world could do with a little more love, for sure:):)
This is fabulous! Love everything about this beauty!
wooooow!!! great!!!
Tusiu, strona jest przepiekna! <3
pozdrawiam! I naprawde pieknie wyrazilas swoje uczucia 馃檪