new place – Art Daily Cafe
We are all very busy. Our blogs and social media are only a small part of our lives. Lately I have been working on some totally new ventures behind the scenes and today I am happy to show you my first inspiration as Art Daily Cafe friend. What is Art Daily? It is a new line of products designed by Finnabair, that soon will be available in stores. But Art Daily Cafe is something bigger than that. It is a place, where you can visit, if you feel you are fed up with commissioned projects, when you feel that your inspiration got stuck somewhere, when you feel you need something new, something fresh and a place, where we all support each other, without any judgement. Here are the links: blog, facebook, instagram.
My project is an art-journal spread. Image can say thousand words, so I suppose you can feel my feelings hidden behind these pages 🙂
If you need supplies list, here it is:
This is fabuous! I’m off for a look!
Thank you sweetie!! You are always so nice! <3